Donate Now

Donating to Intervene is the best way for most people to support our work.

We rely on our very small pool of donors to continue seeking justice for our clients. However, funders typically shy away from helping prisoners, and donors are thus difficult to find. Hence, we are now at a real risk of closure and Intervene has only survived due to the persistence and backing of Kesar & Co Solicitors.

The demand for our service is greater than ever, and we are now at peak capacity. Any generous donations, no matter the size, will enable us to assist more clients who desperately need our help.

Donations further pay for the necessary expenses our work incurs. These expenses may include working expenses and fees for expert witnesses to appear at our clients’ hearings.

We are truly grateful for any amount you can donate, now or on a recurring basis.

Please use the yellow button below for our secure payment system operated by PayPal.

Sponsor Us

Intervene’s work would also greatly benefit from sponsorship and grants from, and collaboration with, larger bodies and organisations.

Please contact us at if you would like further information regarding this opportunity.